The Brain Injury Association of Waterloo-Wellington is excited to present the seventh Annual Indoor Golf Classic to be held at Golf Without Limits Indoor Golf Club and Academy.
Join us for 18 holes of simlated golf in a scramble format. One-hole events include a Longest Drive Contest and Closest to the Pin Challenge where great prizes will be awarded on behalf of our Corporate Sponsors. Dinner and Entertainment is included in the cost of $500.00 Take this opportunity to showcase your business, challenge other corporations or just spend time with family and friends. Take part in an innovative fund raising initiative and be an active participant in your community.
Our fundraising goal is to raise $10,000 but we cannot do it without your support. All proceeds of the Indoor Golf Classic is used for the programming of the Brain Injury Association of Waterloo-Wellington. Please see the links to the right that will outline the event details, how to register or become a sponsor.
Thank you for your time and support. We look forward to your participation in this truly memorable charity golf experience.